The highly anticipated trailer of Azaad was launched in Mumbai a couple of days back with a star-studded event! Featuring Rasha Thadani, Aaman Devgan, and Bollywood superstar Ajay Devgn, the grand launch saw an exciting unveiling of the movie’s trailer and present at the event were the producers and the director of Azaad Abhishek Kapoor.
The event was hosted by the dynamic Bollywood anchor, Nitin Kakar, who kept the energy high throughout the proceedings.
Don’t miss this exclusive short from a promotional event of the movie where the gorgeous Rasha Thadani alongwith her Promising co star Aaman Devgn Perform on their song birangay live for the media and fans.
Rasha thadani. Aaman Devgan. Ajay devgn. Azaad movie. Azaad movie trailer launch. Azaad movie trailer. Ajay devgn Azaad movie. Rasha Thadani Aaman Devgan. Azaad movie songs. Rasha Thadani dance. Azaad movie Ajay devgn. Rasha thadani movie.